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‘Landscape and Beyond’ is the title of the exhibition of Roberts work to be held in Nottingham City Centre between February 12 and 27th 2010. The venue is the gallery of the Nottingham Society of Artists which is on Friar Lane. This is the road which runs from the main square up to the Castle gates and the gallery is a couple of hundred feet before you reach the gates. For more information on the location click here.
As its name indicates, the exhibition consists of a wide range of framed images from landscapes to creative work – including infra red and other work. It’s a chance to see many of the images on this site as large, framed prints.
Mounted but unframed prints of many of the images on show will be available for purchase. Also included will be a large panoramic image of the Swiss alps some six feet long and examples of hand coloured still life images.
Entry to the exhibition is free and it’s open between 10 and 5pm weekdays.

In late November 2009, one of the largest and oldest photographic societies in the World, Britain’s prestigious Royal Photographic Society held its annual awards ceremony at The Royal Society in London.
Winner of the top award was American photographer, Annie Leberwitz . Alongside her were a plethora of prize winners from the whole gamut of photography. The RPS honoured a wide range of photographers from those involved in photography as a design or art form to photographers in the worlds of science and medicine.
Robert was awarded the Fenton Medal for services to the RPS and digital photography. Twelve years or so ago, Robert played a major role in the formation – along with other digital luminaries such as the late Barrie Thomas and Adi Setha – of the Societies Digital imaging group – helping establish it in regions across the UK. He followed this up with several years of travelling the UK introducing digital photography and particularly Adobe Photoshop - to halls full of RPS members and others. The group is now the largest in the Society.